On March 20th, 2015 our volunteers in Cancun, Mexico inaugurated an organic farm. The farm will be a living classroom, providing hands-on experience to teach impoverished individuals in local communities how to grow their own food. The goal is not only to provide food for these individuals’ own households, but to grow enough food for our La Cocina de Amma project, which feeds almost 400 people each month.

A few months before the farm’s inauguration, our volunteers began planting fruits and vegetables to kick start the project. The plan is to start small and allow the farm to grow naturally through its connection with the community.

The farm currently has a vast variety of plants, including avocado, habanero chili, jalapeño chili, peppers, lemons, oranges, red tomato and coconut palms. The next phase is start planting sweet potatoes and plum trees. Eventually, the farm could be producing other fruit trees and tulsi as well.
Early this year, our volunteers cooked a typical Mexican dish “Chilaquilitos” for 400 people, using the farm’s first crop of jalapeño chilies. The delicious meals went to a low-income community 80 km outside of Cancun. Our volunteers look forward to teaching local communities to grow organic fruits and vegetables, helping to restore the proper balance of nature by fostering an attitude of love and appreciation for the bounty the earth has to offer.