After disasters strike and help is provided, there is still a long pathway for the survivors to reach stability in their new lives. In the Philippines, we can celebrate a major step forward for children who survived Typhoon Haiyan-Yolanda in 2013.
The devastating storm hit the Philippines in 2013, killing more than 6,300 people and displacing about three-quarter of a million more. The financial losses for the country were in the billions.
Embracing the World donated US$1 million to help those affected. The funds went to reconstructing schools, building community centres and providing scholarships to 530 children who were victims of the storm. The focus was on children who lost one or more parents. Now, 480 of those students are celebrating their graduation from high school.
Embracing the World provided the scholarships in partnership with the Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation and the Philippine Scholarship Project for Senior High School. The work was done in cooperation with the Department of Education through the various division offices.

The students attended San Jose National High School in Tacloban City and Palo National High School in Palo. The recipients of the scholarships were chosen based on poverty level, previous school marks, attendance and their interest to continue their education.
“Amma is ever ready to help anyone who is in need. The help you got from Amma has changed your life. You also can do the same to others,” said Swami Ramakrishnananda, who spoke at the graduation ceremony.
“I would be happy if the help you received from Amma is passed on to other needy people when you get a job or are in a position to help others. In this way, this chain of help will not stop with you. It goes on circulating.”