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A Country of Countless Courageous Women: Celebrating India’s History of Karma Yoginis 

In her address, Amma said the power of motherhood, which grants birth and life to all creatures in the universe, is unmatched.

Key Points

  • Karma Yogini Sangamam in Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu celebrated feminine power with 50,000 women attending, traditional rites for renunciate women, and eminent speakers.
  • Amma shared there is no doubt that the near future will witness the victorious rise of women, expressing her wish that it be rooted in dharma (right action). 
  • The event was organised by Seva Bharathi, a national social service organisation that works to uplift the poor and vulnerable. 

It was a grand celebration of the power of women—Karma Yogini Sangamam. On March 2nd, the event witnessed a gathering of 50,000 women, a Sanyasini Puja (traditional rites for renunciate women), and eminent speakers.

With Amma as a Guest of Honour, she illuminated India’s history of countless courageous women whose selfless service has inspired millions of people. She also shared her vision of a time when all women are treated with dignity and stand shoulder-to-shoulder with men to reshape and uplift our world. She concluded there is no doubt that the near future will witness the victorious rise of women, sharing her wish it be rooted in dharma (right action).

Seva Bharathi Dakshin, Tamil Nadu, organised the day at Amrita University’s campus in Nagercoil. Seva Bharati is a national social service organisation that works among the poor and vulnerable to empower them with education, health, and self-reliance. Members of women’s self-help groups were among those who attended.

Amma embraces a sanyasini
Many sanyasinis, women who have renounced the world in service of others, were honoured.

Excerpts from Amma’s Address

Bhārat is celebrated as the land of countless strong women, embodiments of pure, innocent devotion to God and selfless patriotism. This event is dedicated to honouring and remembering such purehearted and courageous women who have served to inspire millions. 

This gathering unites the strength of women who, inspired by these brave figures, have stepped forward to contribute to nation-building and social progress.

Bhārat has witnessed many such priceless gems—women such as Jhansi Rani, Ahalya Bai Holkar, Rani Velu Nachiyar, Veeramangai Kuyili and many others who have fought courageously for our nation. Many such remarkable women who achieved great feats through self-sacrifice, becoming beacons of light and inspiration for their entire land, called Tamil Nadu their home.

From the moment of conception, from the very first pulse of life in the child, the child and the mother exist as one. Even when the child grows up, this oneness remains unchanged. This internal connection is an unbreakable law of nature.

The power of motherhood, which grants birth and life to all creatures in the universe, is unmatched. Every other force pales in comparison to its greatness. Mothers naturally possess a balanced and impartial perspective. 

a man speaks at a microphone
Manya Shri Dattatreya Hosabale, Sarkaryavah RSS, said the power of Shakti – Divine Feminine – has been an engine for the country’s empowerment.

This is why a mother can give birth to both male and female children, nourish them with breastmilk, and shower them with love equally, without any discrimination. 

Mothers embody true strength. If we move forward acknowledging this, their power can transform the world more profoundly than anything else. There is no child in this world that is beyond the influence of a mother’s pure love, guidance and gentle discipline.

This is why when mothers awaken and strive diligently, they can lead the world towards the path of truth and dharma. Only a mother’s heart has the power to renew the world and uplift the human race.

Most religions around the world envision God in a masculine force. However, in Bhārat, the divine is also revered in a feminine form as well. Is God male or female? 

The truth is that God transcends all such distinctions. However, if we choose to envision the divine with a form, Amma feels that the Supreme Energy is more feminine than masculine. For it is the woman that gives birth to both men and women.

In Bhārat, as well as throughout the world, the power of the woman should awaken and arise. This is one of the most pressing needs of our times. Rather than remaining a narrow, one-way street—on which only men can progress—society must grow to become a highway where both men and women can advance equally. 

Amma shared she dreams of a time when women can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with men to reshape and uplift society.

The relationship between men and women must be established upon a foundation of cooperation and equality. Women and men should be able to move forward, side by side, as equals.

Amma is very pleased at this gathering of the karma-yoginis. Women’s self-help groups have been very effective in helping women become self-reliant and empowering them with self-confidence. 

Karma-yoga is performing our actions with complete surrender, free from selfish motives and worry about the future. Such service provided to society and the country is like a mahā-yajña — a huge fire-sacrifice, a sacred offering. There is nothing that provides a greater sense of self-fulfilment than that service. 

A rainbow exists only for a few brief moments, yet during that short time it brings joy to countless hearts. We should likewise cultivate a mindset of surrender and unwavering determination. When we put in sincere effort, all the forces of the universe will converge to support us. Then we will find that nothing is impossible for us. 

Amma expressed that in their march forward, women should never forget to stop and look back. Just behind every mother a child is following.

To help women who were struggling to take care of their families due to their living conditions, Amma started the AmritaSREE project for women. Now there are about 250,000 women in these units. 

Each group gets ₹30,000 every year and a saree for each member. The AmritaSREE members can take the money as a loan from the bank and start their own business. They received the training to do this. 

Now, with the profit from their businesses, they are able to build homes for others, meet others’ medical needs, conduct weddings, and do many such forms of social service. This proves that if they put their mind to it, women can become successful.

As karma-yoginis, if each of you can go to 10 houses in a month, you can reduce those people’s suffering. Lend an ear to people’s suffering, and help them in whatever you can.

The goal of education is not to create people who can only understand the language of machines. Instead, its main purpose should be to impart a culture of the heart—a culture based on moral and spiritual values. 

Swami Ramakrishnananda Puri, one of Amma’s Senior Disiciples, sharing Amma’s words in Tamil.

Such education doesn’t come from schools or universities. It has to come to us from our parents. Such values bring harmony and maintain love and patience in society. Mothers, despite professional commitments, need to find time for their children.

When children have these values right from a young age, they will have the mental strength to face challenging situations as they grow up. If one is only used to lifting sheets of paper at a young age, he will not be able to lift heavier loads later in life.

Equal wages, education and economic security are fundamental rights for every woman, just as they are for men. Ensuring the security and wellbeing of women is essential, both within the family and in society. 

When women are not given the opportunity to advance, the nation loses half of its potential for progress. Women must progress alongside men in every field. This is happening now—that is why we are able to see women like you here today. 

Although women should advance in society just like men, still women shouldn’t lose sight of their special role in society. The point is not that women should develop their biceps like men. Rather, women must strive to develop their heart muscles. 

This means that women must cultivate and foster patience and compassion. However, in their march forward, women should never forget to stop and look back from time to time. This is because just behind every mother a child is following. The protection and model the mother provides to the child is the most important thing for it.

Men and women are like the two wings of the bird that is society. Each wing is equally important. Only when both wings function in harmony can the bird soar high. Likewise, when men and women work together with mutual respect and cooperation, then society will flourish and thrive. 

Amma dreams of a time when women are treated with dignity in their homes, workplaces and on streets…. When they can travel fearlessly at any hour, day or night…. When they can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with men to reshape and uplift society. 

There is no doubt that the near future will witness the victorious rise of women. All Amma wishes for is that this rise is rooted in dharma. 

May divine grace bless my children to achieve this.

॥ ॐ लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु ॥

Om Lokah Samasthah Sukhino Bhavantu 

May all beings everywhere be happy and free

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