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Amrita Hospital, Faridabad Saves Girl’s Scalp in Complex Microsurgery

Woman facing front with new hair starting to grow back. Face blurred for privacy.
A complex scalp replantation surgery saved this 13-year-old girl from permanent disfigurement.

Key Points

  • Amrita Hospital, Faridabad, successfully performed a complex eight-hour scalp replantation surgery on a 13-year-old girl who suffered a traumatic scalp injury at a local fair
  • The multidisciplinary surgical team restored the patient’s scalp, preventing permanent disfigurement and allowing her to return to school and normal life
  • The challenging procedure demonstrates Amrita Hospital’s advanced microsurgical expertise and commitment to transformative medical care
19 December 2024
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Amrita Hospitals - Kochi, Faridabad
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Healthcare Humanitarian

Amrita Hospital, Faridabad, has successfully conducted a complex scalp replantation surgery on a 13-year-old girl, saving her from permanent disfigurement and restoring her hope for a normal life. This rare and intricate procedure is unique in its advanced reconstructive microsurgery.

The young patient, hailing from Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, suffered a traumatic total scalp avulsion (complete removal of the scalp) when her long hair got caught in the fan of a generator at a local fair. She was rushed to a nearby hospital, where initial stabilisation was done. However, due to the lack of specialised microvascular surgical facilities, her family sought further treatment. The patient was referred to Amrita Hospital after her parents contacted Dr. Sachin Gupta, Paediatric Neurosurgeon, who recognised the advanced reconstructive surgical expertise available at the hospital. Dr. Niti Gulati Batra, Senior Consultant and Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, took special care in maintaining the stable haemodynamic status of the patient during surgery, which forms the bedrock for the surgical work.

If the scalp replantation had not been successful, the patient would have required skin grafting to cover her bare skull bones, leaving her permanently disfigured. This would have affected her emotionally and socially, especially at such a young age.

Dr. Mohit Sharma, Head of Department, Centre for Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, said, “Total scalp avulsion is a devastating injury, and the success of replantation depends on timely intervention and advanced microvascular surgical skills. We carefully reconnected the blood vessels, nerves, and tissues to restore the scalp. The surgery lasted for over eight hours, and the patient’s recovery so far has been excellent.”

“Our multidisciplinary team that includes experts in reconstructive microsurgery, anaesthesiology, paediatrics, and critical care made this surgery a success. We have restored the patient’s appearance to a near-normal level, and she has already returned to school and is living a happy and normal life.”

Dr. Sachin Gupta, Senior Consultant, Paediatric Neurosurgery, said, “By the time the patient reached Amrita Hospital, nearly 10 hours had passed since the injury. Our expert team of reconstructive surgeons immediately took up the case despite the challenges of delayed intervention.”

Dr. Vasundhra Jain, Senior Consultant, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, said, “The patient’s scalp was ripped off when her hair got caught in the generator’s fan. If the scalp replantation had not been successful, the patient would have required skin grafting to cover her bare skull bones, leaving her permanently disfigured. This would have affected her emotionally and socially, especially at such a young age.”

We were devastated when the accident happened and felt helpless seeing our daughter in such a condition. Coming to Amrita Hospital was the best decision we made. The doctors not only saved her life but also gave her a second chance at living a normal life.

Dr. Sanjeev Singh, Medical Director, said, “This successful scalp replantation surgery is a testament to the world-class infrastructure and medical expertise at Amrita Hospital. It highlights our commitment to transforming lives through advanced medical care.”

The young girl’s parents expressed their gratitude for the life-changing surgery. Her father said, “We were devastated when the accident happened and felt helpless seeing our daughter in such a condition. Coming to Amrita Hospital was the best decision we made. The doctors not only saved her life but also gave her a second chance at living a normal life.”

This remarkable achievement reinforces Amrita Hospital’s position as a leader in advanced reconstructive and microsurgical procedures in India.

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