“Mata Amritanandamayi is a radiant expression of love, and this love can be seen through the Amrita SREE initiative,” said MK Raghavan, Kozhikode MP (Indian National Congress). He was inaugurating the annual meeting for members of the self-help groups (SHGs) in the city of Kozhikode, Kerala.
“What governments do for the people, Amma is also implementing through Amrita SREE SHGs,” he added.
Swami Vivekamritananda Puri delivered the blessing speech. PP Sreedharanunni, renowned poet, lyricist, and writer; TK Sajevan, BJP District President; K. Viswanathan, President, Puthappa Arayasamajam; and R Ranganathan, Amrita SREE Coordinator also addressed the gathering.
Aid was distributed to about 10,000 women with Amrita SREE SHGs who attended the meeting. Support included food, clothing, financial assistance, and grain supplies, as well as working capital for each SHG with 20 members.