After devastating floods swept through the Indian states of Jammu and Kashmir, Amma responded immediately, sending volunteers to the affected area to provide essential aid and to assess with local government officials the best way our efforts can support survivors of the floods. Within weeks of the initial assessment, Amma pledged a $4 million US relief package that included construction of houses for those displaced by the flood, as well as monetary aid for widows, medical care and essential supplies.
By October 6, our tertiary care hospital in Kochi, Amrita Hospital, had sent two telemedicine units equipped with health and relief facilities to the disaster zone.

Just days later, hundreds of Kashmir’s flood-victims thronged the medical relief camp we set up in the hard-hit Bandipore district. A team of 15 medical specialists and paramedics provided critical medical care to flood survivors in the worst-affected areas including Ashtingoo Ghat, Kulhama, Laharwalpora and Sumbal-Sonawari. Over 2,300 people were examined in less than seven hours.

Our mobile hospital and telemedicine units are equipped with state-of-the-art technology including an intensive care unit, echocardiogram, radiography and more to assess and treat urgent medical needs.
More than 50 villages in the Bandipore District alone were completely submerged. Hundreds of houses, multiple health facilities, schools and police stations were destroyed; and hundreds of hectares of crops damaged. Agriculture, the primary source of livelihood in the area, will be disrupted for a year or more.
60,000 people were displaced in the floods, while dozens of families are still living in tents on roads and higher ground.
Our medical teams are now moving to Magam in Kashmir’s Badgam District.