AYUDH India, a chapter of our international youth wing, conducted a series of value-based programs called ‘Internet to Innernet’ in the northwestern state of Jammu & Kashmir (J&K). More than 2,000 students from various cultural and religious backgrounds took part in schools in Srinagar, Udhampur, and Samba.
The gatherings involved discussions, interactive sessions, and training in Integrated Amrita Meditation Technique (IAM). Even though for many of the youth it was their first experience with meditation, they said they loved it and felt happiness.
They also watched a video about Amma giving darshan in the form of her compassionate embrace. Though not having met her, they shared they could intuitively feel Amma’s unconditional love for all.
“In today’s world no one even holds hands for support, but Amma out of her compassion is giving hugs to anyone who comes for her darshan. I have no words to express my gratitude,” said one young woman.

During feedback sessions, many students also voiced their challenging emotional issues. One young woman said, “I have lot of anger inside and frustration. I didn’t know how to get over it. Today I learnt how to handle it and the heaviness which was there deep inside was lifted up.”
“Today’s generation has a lot of anxiety, aggression and stress. Because of that they can’t enjoy life,” said another young woman. “Today I could feel so much peace which I was not able to feel for a long time. I am feeling very good. I really appreciate your organisation’s efforts.”