Amrita Yuva Dharma Dhara, AYUDH, the youth wing of Mata Amritanandamayi Math (MAM) organised the second edition of the AYUDH India Leaders Training Summit, ALTS 2018 at the Amrita University, Amritapuri Campus, Kollam, Kerala with the theme ‘Now is the future’. The main purpose of the event is to develop and acquire leadership skills and mold future leaders who will contribute towards building a strong nation. AYUDH expects its volunteers to be fearless and feisty leaders who can lead with love and compassion, by incorporating universal values in their lives and become the role models of the society.
More than 1200 young people aged between 15 to 35 from 23 different states across India participated in the event. The coordinating team conducted pre-Summit meets and orientations for AYUDH in different institutions in 23 states and selected candidates who expressed interest in becoming a part of AYUDH. ALTS 2018 sought to impart confidence in the participating youth so that they can develop the ability to empower others and become compassionate and empathetic leaders.
The event encompassed such activities as discourses by eminent personalities sharing their life experiences, team building and life skills workshops, personality development programs, yoga and meditation sessions, cultural events as well as concerts and bhajans by renowned musicians from across the globe to allow the participants to experience spiritual bliss.
The various sessions were designed to facilitate the growth of the participants in every walk of life through talks, debates, quizzes, workshops and games. Youngsters got a multicultural exposure as they were grouped into different teams comprising students from various linguistic and cultural backgrounds and participated in challenges through which they learnt the basics of teamwork, communication skills and other soft skills to succeed in life. The participants also met Amma in person at her ‘Darshan’ and were served food by Amma herself.

Vice Admiral Anil Kumar Chawla gives an inspiring address to AYUDH.
The summit was inaugurated by Vice Admiral Anil Kumar Chawla (Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Southern Naval Command) and was graced by such eminent dignitaries as Dr. Kiran Bedi (Lt. Governor, Puducherry), Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri (one of Amma’s senior most disciples, Vice Chairman of the M.A. Math and President of Amrita University), Rajiv Mehrotra (writer, TV producer-director, documentary filmmaker and a personal student of the Dalai Lama, Trustee/Secretary of the Foundation for Universal Responsibility), J Sai Deepak (engineer-turned advocate who is presently the associate partner, Sai Krishna Associates and writes for his blog “The Demanding Mistress”), Stephen Devassy (pianist and composer ad winner of Times of India – Brand Icon) and Rohan Kymal (singer, musician and actor based in New York).
In his inaugural speech Vice Admiral Anil Kumar Chawla, Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Southern Naval Command said, “This is a very noble idea to get all the leaders of the future together on a common stage. The summit is an ideal platform to enable the participants to think about their future and how they plan to realise their long term aims and goals. Everyone present here is a leader of the future and will be instrumental in taking our country forward. Hence, they are all an integral part of our nation-building process. Most of us are leaders and if given the right guidance we can all become excellent leaders. This platform is exactly what the youth of today need to be able to realise their potential to the fullest.”
Dr. Kiran Bedi, Lt. Governor, Puducherry who participated in the valedictory session and interacted enthusiastically with the youth said, “Due to Amma’s blessings I am here today and it is a matter of great pride to be addressing this gathering. In life, a person who can do is the one who succeeds yet there are people who can do but they still say they can’t and prefer to give up and success eludes such people. Success is not a skill, success is will and those who have will power are the ones who win in the end. Gratitude is one thing that today’s youth are lacking. India needs youth with strong gratitude and Amma’s institutions are teaching gratitude and compassion to the youth which in itself is the greatest service to humanity. Every day is a day of responsible behavior and action so we can all make a difference. What one wants to be at 50, one should start practicing at 15. One should be a traveler in life and not a tourist. Tourists seek only excitement whereas travelers explore. By doing our own good deeds, we give ourselves a name. So far we were given a name, but we can decide our own name by being a traveller and accomplishing great deeds. The best way to achieve our goals is four pronged- to be focussed, to be able to discriminate between right and wrong, to be devoted and lastly be insulated from results and carry on with our hard work. This is the best recipe for success. These kinds of congregations play the biggest role of saving; building and energizing India, making it shine in every way.”
Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri, one of Amma’s senior most disciples, Vice Chairman of the Mata Amritanandamayi Math and President of Amrita University, said, “In cultures throughout the world, there is a tradition of giving back to the world. Everything in this world has its price, nothing is free. The participants will reap the benefit of this summit in the future but the price they had to pay was discipline and hard work that this summit inculcated in them. Right here and now is the action and when we focus on the present we reap the fruit in the future. The youth are the future and that is why now is the future. All the participants embraced Amma’s iconic embrace, and so like her outstretched arms the doors of Amritapuri will always be open to them.”