The auspicious day of Guru Pūrṇima was joyfully celebrated with Amma at her program in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Devotees expressed their gratitude for her guidance on the spiritual path, especially with the protection of her unconditional love. In Amritapuri, Swami Turiyamritananda Puri, one of Amma’s first disciples, led traditional rites in prayer to Amma as a Mahatma.
Excerpts from Amma’s Message
All celebrations and festivals are occasions that fill our hearts with good cheer and enthusiasm. In the hearts of disciples and devotees, the auspicious day of Guru Pūrṇima creates a tidal wave of devotion to the guru.
In preparing for the sacred guru-pāda pūjā [the ritual of worshipping the guru’s feet] with complete awareness, the disciple forgets everything else, focusing solely on cleansing their mind and body.
True Guru Pūrṇima is realised when the disciple consistently maintains this attitude daily throughout their life. Guru Pūrṇima is the day when the disciple is once again reminded of the guru’s glorious state of completeness.

It also conveys the message that the disciples should attain that state as well. Therefore, Guru Pūrṇima is not merely a ritual to be observed once a year. This goal requires continuous contemplation, introspection, and mental preparation through consistent practice and dispassion.
A person does not become a disciple by merely being in the presence of a guru. It is when one can welcome the guru’s teaching with an open heart and accept it without a trace of doubt that one becomes a real disciple. That is when disciplehood is awakened.
Our relationship with the guru is our unity with our higher nature. This is why the spiritual path is a journey towards our own True Self. It is the royal path to permanent freedom. Instead of wasting time trying to understand every aspect of it, let us strive to bring this human life to its complete fulfillment. May divine grace bless my children to achieve this.