It was a moment of divine serenity as Amma continued her journey throughout Tamil Nadu. En route to Karur, the more than 1000 people who make up the tour group stopped near the village of Thimmalai. For the locals, it was a big surprise, since their own population is just over 2300.
In the setting sun, villagers were drawn to join in with people gathering around Amma for a roadside experience of meditation, bhajans, and prasad. Being a community of mostly scheduled caste and tribal people, some shared the challenges they face in life as Amma gave them darshan. While in her arms, they also expressed much gratitude and happiness to her.

The travels continued with Amma arriving in Karur during the early hours of February 20. And then, by 6 pm, the public program started at the newly constructed Amrita Vidyalayam in our network of values-based schools across India.
Perhaps reflecting the ancient connection the people of Thimmalai have with Mother Nature, Amma again spoke about the urgency humankind faces in the current state of our world.
“Life is a brief interval between birth and death. Life becomes relevant and meaningful only when our actions are good. Good actions mean performing our duties towards nature, fellow human beings, and other creatures,” she said in her address.
“The pandemic has taught us many lessons. Or, rather, it has tried to teach us many lessons. Because right from the beginning of creation, Nature, or God, has been trying to teach us many lessons. Had humanity only taken heed, we might have circumvented many grave challenges we currently face.”
Amma concluded by sharing the essence of her eternal message—it is possible for love and reverence to unfold within each and everyone’s heart.
“It is compassion that makes us human. If each person could understand the needs of the living beings around them and act in their service, this world would become heaven. Children, always remember that compassion is a necessity, not a luxury. Without compassion, society’s very existence is threatened.”
Thousands more women with Amrita SREE SHGs in the area received saris and financial support. Amma’s discourse, accompanied by meditation, bhajans, and prayers for world peace created a calming atmosphere.

The event started with a ceremonial welcome by distinguished guests, including Advocate Gunasekaran, Pasupatheeswara Ayyappa Seva Sangam; Justice R. Shanmuga Sundaram, Karur District Court; Saraswathi, MLA, Modakuruchi Constituency; Swamini Yatheeshwari Amritapriya, Ramakrishna Tapovanam; Thangavelu, Aravind Traders; Nachimuthu, Chairman, Vastra Ratna Atlas; Muthuveeran IAS, Former District Collector; Dr Bhaktavatsalam, KG Hospital; and members of the Brahma Kumaris.
Afterward, of course, Amma personally embraced everyone who arrived. Her darshan continued until just before 7:30am.
Amma’s next South India Tour stop is February 22 & 23 in Kovai (Coimbatore), Tamil Nadu. The event will take place at the Brahmasthanam Temple in celebration of its 24th anniversary.