Swami Ramdev requested Amma to address the sixth day of nine days in honour of Sannyasa Deeksha at his ashram in Haridwar. Amma joined from Amritapuri via video call with the event taking place at the Patanjali Yogpeeth on the holy banks of the River Ganga. Forty men and sixty women are being initiated into Sannyasa (a life of renunciation) and 500 youth are taking vows of Brahmacharya (chastity)
In Hindi, Amma expressed her happiness at being invited and Baba Ramdev responded saying: “All these children have received Amma’s blessings and they are very happy to renounce the world. All these children are your children, Amma, so please bless them to be sannyasins.”
On the day of Ramnavami, the new ascetics will be initiated after the completion of the Mahaparayan Yagya of the four Vedas. The aim is to train future leaders with the vision of the ancient sages, a key element for India to lead a world that lives in service for the good of all creation.
Amma said that she was very happy to see so many men and women undertaking vows of renunciation. They must now follow the traditional guru-disciple relationship and be ready to obey the words of the guru.

“Spiritual life begins with compassion and ends with compassion. With concentration and alertness, you must follow your guru’s instructions and do your spiritual practices in the form of meditation and service to society. May this action continue,” Amma said.
“Amma prays that you all have the strength to move forward on the spiritual path. May divine grace bless you all.”
Baba Ramdev added for him, Amma is Mother Bhagavati – Shakti and Parashakti – and that there are hundreds of thousands of children ready to receive her blessings. He requested that she please come to visit them in Haridwar.
Amma said that she would be happy to come, and that she still thinks of the day Baba Ramdev and his disciples visited Amritapuri on September 27, 2017. If they were to come again, there would be a tremendous celebration of love.
Baba Ramdev promised to come and then requested Amma to lead a devotional song, to which Amma joyfully responded by singing, ‘Chod De Man Se’.