Batwadi is a special village, located on a hillside in the flood-ravaged region of Chandrapuri, India. In late 2014, our construction volunteers built fifteen replacement homes, or “Amma Houses” in Batwadi for fifteen families displaced by flooding and landslides. The people of Batwadi whole-heartedly embraced, not just the work of our volunteers, but also our overall mission of service to others as well. Many villagers turned out to help with whatever project was at hand. Women young and old, alongside children and men worked with our volunteers at every turn. This attitude of selfless service helped revive the spirit of the battered community.
Batwadi’s sacred “Pipal Tree” is the heart of the village, and for many years it served as an “open-air” meeting place for all village events. In early 2015, our volunteers built a community center to encircle this ancient tree and finally provide an indoor facility for those village functions. The new community center includes a large meeting space, a kitchen, classrooms for primary education and kindergarten, clinic space, and more.