Rural Development
Over the past 35 years, we’ve learned a lot about effective delivery of aid to those in need, and we’ve built an infrastructure capable of delivering a broad range of humanitarian services on a massive scale. Amma has always said that it is her dream that one day, everyone in the world would have their basic needs met. Now, for villages spread throughout every corner of India, we’re going to do everything we can to make that dream come true.
Our Approach
In line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, we’re working to make meaningful improvements in every aspect of the villagers’ lives
From health to water and sanitation, education to income generation, and agriculture to sustainable infrastructure. In every case, the approach is tailored to empower the villagers to become self-reliant for the long haul.
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Our Beneficiaries

From Saripalli village

Sudesh Devi
From Pandori village

Founding member of a certified organic farmer’s group
Project History
In 2013, our rural development initiative launched as the Amrita Self-Reliant Villages (Amrita SeRVe) project. Today, much of our rural development work is carried out by Amrita University, as part of its commitment to cultivating a culture and service, and to ensuring humanitarian applications for research and development.

Villages are India’s foundation—Her very life force—and it is society’s responsibility to take care of them. In fact, it is our villages that sustain us by providing us, who live in cities, with the nourishment we need in order to survive. It is time to acknowledge that our villages are our very foundation and move forward with one heart and one mind to protect and serve them.
- Amma