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Awards & Honours

Over the last 30 years, Amma has been regularly invited to address international forums, where she has been honored with awards and accolades for her vision and example.

At these events, Amma goes to the heart of the most pressing problems our world is facing, presenting clear analysis and concrete solutions.



Amma was honoured with the prestigious ‘World Leader for Peace and Security Award,’ jointly presented by the Boston Global Forum and the Michael Dukakis Institute for Leadership and Innovation. 



Amma was appointed Chair of the Civil 20 Engagement Group (C2), the civil branch of the G20 Summit, by Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, who assumed the Presidency of the G20 in 2023. Under Amma’s leadership, Civil 20 India reached out to the highest number of people in C20’s history. After months of work, the Civil 20 working groups presented policy recommendations to the G20.



Amma received an Honorary Doctorate D.Litt. (Honoris causa)—from the Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology.



Amma inaugurated the 11th annual Hindu Spiritual and Service Fair in Chennai.


University of Mysore

Amma received an Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters from the University of Mysore.


Abu Dhabi

Amma was invited by the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, to the Abu
Dhabi Interfaith Summit to Protect Child Dignity in the Digital World.

Rashtrapati Bhavan, India

Amma received an award for the largest contribution to the Swacch Bharat Khosh (Clean India Campaig) from Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres.


Toulon, France

Amma received the Gold Medal for Peace from the Soldiers of Peace International Association comprised of former United Nations soldiers; Amma also received the Medal of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region.

Kochi, India

Amma received Hindu Ratna Award.


New York

Amma was awarded the “Medal of Honour” from Fashion 4 Development (F4D) for more than 25 years of humanitarian work in the fields of human rights, health and well-being, including food, access to water and power, housing, medical care, and the right to education and skill-training.

Economic, Social and Environmental Council, France

Amma was invited by the Special Envoy for the Protection of the Planet to attend the Summit of Conscience for the Climate in Paris, organized by President of France, Francois Hollande. M.A. Math Vice Chairman Swami Amritaswarupananda Puri attended as her representative.

United Nations, New York

Amma delivered the keynote address at the United Nations’ first Academic Impact Conference on Technology and
Sustainable Development.

Los Angeles

Amma was honored with a Golden Goody Award (Oscar for Social Good) for her worldwide humanitarian work.



With Pope Francis and global faith leaders representing major traditions from around the world, Amma signed the Interfaith Declaration to End Modern Slavery.


Balagokulam, an organization promoting Hindu cultural education, bestowed its 18th annual
Krishna Janmashtami Award upon Amma.

Stanford University

Amma participated in the Conversations on Compassion series with Dr. James Doty at Stanford University School of Medicine’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education.

The Huffington Post, New York

Amma was chosen as one of the 50 most powerful women religious leaders by The Huffington Post.


Amma was presented with the Kavithilakam Pandit Karuppan Award at Kochi, India.


Michigan, USA

Amma was presented with a Proclamation on behalf of the State of Michigan, commemorating Amma’s 60th birthday.
The official proclamation describes Amma as a true citizen of the world and recognizes Amma’s charitable works worldwide.

Thiruvananthapuram, India

Amma was awarded first Vishwaratna Puraskar (Gem of the World Award) by the Hindu Parliament.

New Delhi

Amma inaugurated the Swami Vivekananda Sarda Shati Samaroh, the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Vivekananda
at Siri Fort Auditorium, New Delhi, India.



Amma featured in Watkins magazine’s list of the top 100 most spiritually influential living people in the world.

United Nations, Shanghai

Amma addressed the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations in Shanghai on “Coexistence and Engagement Between Cultures.” Amma was the only spiritual leader invited to the conference.


New York

Amma received an honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters from the State University of New York at Buffalo.


New Delhi

Amma inaugurated the Vivekananda International Foundation.

Kozhikode, India

Amma was presented with Junior Chamber International’s highest honour, the Shanti Swaroop Peace Award by Vallabh Das, Chairman of the Junior Chamber International Peace Award Foundation at Kozhikode.



Amma received the Mahavir Mahatma Award.

Jaipur, India

Amma was a keynote speaker at the Summit of the Global Peace Initiative of Women in Jaipur, India.



Amma was awarded the Prix Cinéma Vérité for her humanitarian activities and work for peace at the Cinema Verite Film Festival.


New York

Amma received the James Parks Morton Interfaith Award in New York.

Pune, India

Amma received the Philosopher Saint Sri Jnaneswara World Peace Prize.

Los Angeles

Los Angeles County presented an award to Amma in recognition of her outstanding humanitarian contributions relief work and compassionate love shared with the survivors of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami. 

Rotary Club International, Kochi, India

Amma received Centenary Legendary Award of the Rotary Club International at Kochi, India.


Parliament of the World’s Religions, Barcelona, Spain

Amma delivered a keynote address at the 2004 Parliament of the World’s Religions.


USA, 2002

Amma received the Karma Yogi prize of the year from the Yoga Journal.

United Nations, Geneva

UN Messenger for Peace Dr. Jane Goodall and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Sergio Vieira de Mello presented Amma with the Gandhi-King Award for Non-violence.

Amma was also the keynote speaker at the Global Peace Initiative of Women Religious & Spiritual Leaders.


United Nations, New York

Amma addressed the UN General Assembly as part of the Millennium World Peace Summit.



Amma received the Care & Share International Humanitarian of the Year Award.


United Nations, New York

Amma addresses the Interfaith Celebrations at the 50th anniversary of the United Nations.


Parliament of the World’s Religions, Chicago, 1993

Amma received the Hindu of the Year Award and Hindu Renaissance Award from Hinduism Today.
That same year, she addressed the Parliament of the World’s Religions’ 100th Anniversary, where she was named President of the Hindu Faith.

Explore Amma's life

What I cherish about Amma is that she not only talks the talk and is the embodiment of unconditional love, but she expresses that love in action. She walks the talk. Mahatma Gandhi urged us to 'be the change we wish to see in the world.' Amma is the change she wants to see in our world. She is a profound living example for all of us.

Daughter of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Former director of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Centre for Non-violent Social Change