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Swami Ramakrishnananda Shares Amma’s Love in South America

A woman meets a Swami, both smiling
A happy reunion in Curitiba, Brazil.

Key Points

  • Swami Ramakrishnanada Puri, one of Amma’s most senior disciples, travelled to South America in his 21st visit to the continent.
  • Across Argentina, Chile, and Brazil, he captivated hearts with humorous personal stories and reflections from his over 40 years with Amma.
  • The devotees expressed sincere gratitude, saying that although they are physically far away from Amma, they do not feel the distance in their hearts. Her first voyage to South America was in Santiago in 2007.
27 October 2024
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Swami Ramakrishnanada Puri returned to South America after six years. As one of Amma’s most senior disciples, he shared her message of universal love and compassion everywhere he went. From October 11 to 20, the journey marked his 21st visit to the continent. 

In each city, large crowds filled the hall. It was incredibly inspiring to see the devotion and enthusiasm of all those who arrived. The programs included guided meditation, lively bhajans, prayers for world peace and prosperity, and insightful talks.

 “Whenever there is a master, a true master living in the world, they are the shortcut to get God’s grace,” said Swamiji in one of his addresses. 

“If you are able to practise what these masters say, even 10%, they’ll take care of the rest. Amma says, ‘If you make one step towards me, I’ll make ten steps towards you.’”

Swamiji delighted everyone by sharing several humorous personal anecdotes and reflections on his more than 40 years by Amma’s side. The people who gathered in Argentina, Chile, and Brazil expressed sincere gratitude. 

“Thank you for allowing us to contribute to these programs. Even though we have physically been far away for the past few years, we never felt far from Amma,” said one of the devotees, with a gracious smile on his face. 

“Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for this beautiful time together, full of Amma’s Shakti. It’s incredible to be part of Amma’s family!” 

The tour started on a highly auspicious note with a traditional Homa [fire ritual] celebrated in Buenos Aires, the capital city of Argentina. From there, the journey continued with a program in Concón, Chile for the first time. This was followed by two days of programs in Chile’s capital, Santiago. 

In 2007, Santiago was the first place that Amma set foot in South America. It was hard to believe that 17 years had passed since that blessed day. During Swamiji’s three days of programs in Chile, there were many familiar faces from all those years ago. 

Along with them, many new people were inspired to come hear about Amma and learn about her mission of spiritual upliftment and humanitarian work across the globe. 

From Chile, Swamiji continued to Brazil and conducted programs in the cities of Curitiba, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo. The days there were like a family reunion, bringing together groups of devotees from across the country for the first time since 2018. The outpouring of happiness was very touching to see. 

The journey concluded with a puja in São Paulo, alongside many chants of ‘Mata Rani Ki Jai!’—’Victory to the Queen of the Universe!’ No one wanted to leave the hall or let the program end. The local devotees offered their thanks to Amma, Swamiji and all those who took part in making the tour happen.

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