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Real love is born from fearlessness: Excerpts from Amma’s 71st Birthday Message 

Photo of Amma speaking
Amma said instead of the dark climate of religious wars and genocides, let us hear the call for expansiveness and compassion ringing from all quarters.

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28 September 2024
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In her address for Amritavarsham 71, Amma shared that although we are living in a world gripped with the fear of wars and natural disasters, true happiness remains a choice for humankind. Together, we can create a world of peace and equality by understanding the pain of others and earnestly seeking solutions.  


There is a prayer in the Vedas intended for people of all nations, cultures and faiths: “May all people live in peace. May leaders govern justly. May all living beings find happiness. May those blessed with knowledge, discernment and truthfulness be content. May the Sun shine and the rain fall in their due time. May the Earth be nourished by plants. May the poor find prosperity, and may the wise be fearless. In this way, may the entire world be filled with happiness.”  

It is for such a world that we should all aspire, strive and pray. However, is this what is happening now? Today, the world is going through a difficult time. This isn’t something limited to just one place and field; it is evident everywhere. 

Amma feels that in today’s world, all nations fall within two categories: those waging war and those preparing for war. Both developed and developing nations are allocating the largest portion of their budgets to the stockpiling of weapons. 

We are all experts at finding fault with one another, criticising and excluding others. Our typical attitude is: “I didn’t do anything wrong; it’s all the others who are to blame!”

No one is willing to introspect, honestly evaluate themselves and change their behaviour. As a result, we are unable to look around us with love for others or to protect nature with respect. 

Numerous discussions have been held about the dangerous path the world is on, yet we are not showing the required alertness to act with discernment. Our attitude towards the world is like this: “The world’s condition is serious, but there’s nothing to worry about.” 

On one hand, we organise massive symposiums and conferences to discuss solutions for global warming and climate change. On the other, we don’t hesitate to continue destroying forests, mountains and rivers.  

In today’s world, all nations fall within two categories: those waging war and those preparing for war.


We hold large discussions about reducing greenhouse-gas emissions, while simultaneously building more factories. The smoke and waste from these factories pollute our air, rivers and oceans. People are very adept at giving impassioned speeches about truth and justice.  

Yet we often see these same people engaged in hypocritical actions. People loudly warn of the detriments of alcohol and tobacco use, and at the same time they expand their production to increase the GDP. People find new ways to market them and entice people to buy them.  

While GDP is important, the survival of the world and nature, as well as society’s physical and mental health, is far more vital. Therefore, it is crucial that we bring some balance to this state of affairs.  

As the world population increased, it led to a scarcity of food and subsequent deaths due to starvation. Scientists strived to find a solution. This was born out of compassion. But it eventually led to commercialisation.  

To increase productivity, instead of the admissible five percent chemical fertiliser, farmers started adding 25 percent. Starvation was prevented, but in order to do so we began eating poison. What was meant to be an instrument of hunger alleviation became an instrument of death. 

When humans exploit nature, misuse science and technology, widen the gap between the rich and the poor, and when social atrocities spiral out of control, when only one perspective is considered, and one group’s dharma is upheld as the only truth, then those with knowledge and discernment often fear to speak out.  

This is adharma. This is selfishness. This is cowardice. The foundation of fear is selfishness.  

From selflessness stems fearlessness. No goodness or positivity can emerge from fear. All that is good is born from selflessness and fearlessness. Real love is born from fearlessness. It is from this love that new creations, shining with goodness, emerge.  

Selfishness is fear. It is darkness. It drinks our energy and leaves us drained. It makes us weak and helpless. It drives the individual and society to destruction. The desire for name, fame and position transforms a human into a madman.  

A certain degree of self-centeredness is required for survival, but dharma should always be maintained. We all aspire to be noble and respected. Yet, in this pursuit, we often grow distant from ourselves.  

Instead of this, we must try to find our own self. We must realise our truth. If we do this, each one of us will become naturally noble. If we appear beautiful on the outside but have a foul inner nature, we will continually cause trouble for ourselves as well as society. 

Like all other decisions, happiness is also a decision. We should take the firm decision that we will remain happy and courageous, no matter what be the circumstances. Whether we laugh or cry, the days will pass by.  

The world is made up of happiness and sorrow. Anything can happen. When we forsake dharma, dharma will also forsake us. Try to incorporate qualities like dharma, love, patience, compassion, unity, respect for seniors, humility and discipline into your daily life.  

We must strive to understand others, learn about their pain and problems, and earnestly seek solutions. Only by doing so can we truly consider ourselves humane.  

There is education for earning a living and education for life. Education for a living is essential for success in the academic and material sense. But what will one do for mental peace? We need education for life as well. Life is not just dependent on the body; it is also dependent on the mind as well. 

Greater joy comes from giving love than receiving it because love first sprouts its tendrils in our own heart. Love is a treasure we already hold, yet fail to recognise. We often overlook its presence. It is also the most powerful weapon, capable of disarming even your fiercest enemy.  

Love is the single rope that can bind even the eternally liberated God. Love is the universal currency, accepted in all places and at all times. Love is not meant to be tucked away like something hidden in our back pocket. It should radiate through our actions.  

When we embody love, all our five senses become bridges for its expression. Love is the ultimate remedy for sorrow and the steadfast, steel beam to support the lonely. Love is the only true gauge of our success in life. Everything else will be lost, but love will endure eternally. Even time cannot erase the footprints left behind by love.  

Greater joy comes from giving love than receiving it because love first sprouts its tendrils in our own heart.


This is why we continue to remember the mahātmās long after they have left their physical bodies. We remember their good deeds and follow the principles they taught. Wherever a turtle crawls, it leaves a trail in the sand. In a similar way, we must try to leave a mark—good memories—before we leave this world. 

Man has learned to fly like a bird and swim like a fish but has forgotten how to walk and live like a human being. When society is deep asleep, consumed by ignorance and egoism, when people are haunted by nightmares, when they live under the misapprehension that this is reality, then it is the duty of the wise, educated and righteous to boldly proclaim, “Wake up!”  

In such circumstances, they must clearly label darkness as “darkness” and dreams as “dreams,” making sure everyone can hear their message. The fearlessness and selflessness exhibited by the wise on such occasions are what will save society. May they never forsake and flee this duty. 

Rather than war and endless conflict, may patience, love and compromise guide our attitudes and actions. Instead of the dark climate of religious wars and genocides, let us hear the call for expansiveness and compassion ringing from all quarters.  

May we all be vigilant in abandoning the desire to exploit nature, as it leads to the tragedies that affect our lives, our loved ones, our wealth and all that we hold dear. May each of us extend our hands to comfort those who are suffering and in pain. And, thus, may everyone find peace and happiness. 

॥ ॐ लोकाः समस्ताः सुखिनो भवन्तु ॥ 

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