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Feeding People Experiencing Homelessness - Australia

Serving food, love and kindness

Our volunteers have been serving meals to the homeless once each month since 2003. The volunteers prepare the food at home and serve through the Rough Edges program at St. John’s Anglican Church in Sydney and through the two community centers in Melbourne. The vegetarian meal consists of rice, a main vegetable dish, fried noodles or pasta, spring rolls or dumplings, salad, fruit, and dessert.

One elderly man movingly reflected that the spirit of hospitality he felt at Mother’s Kitchen was for him an expression of real worship, and another commented that while he did not usually like vegetarian food, the food at Mother’s Kitchen was delicious. Sue, a volunteer from Sydney reflected, “Actually, we’re not just feeding them food, we’re feeding them love and kindness, which is exactly what Amma does.”

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Watch Amma’s daily livestream

Amma offers us the possibility to connect online with her on a daily basis. During these livestreams, we can meditate with Amma, chant bhajans (devotional singing) and hear spiritual teachings.

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