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Amrita University offers yoga training to improve mental and physical health of prison inmates

Swami Gurupadasthritananda hands a shiney brass Arati lamp to the Prison Officials.
Swami Gurupadasthritananda Puri hands an Arati lamp to Jail DIG S Santhosh to inaugurate the launch of yoga and meditation in the jail system for inmates and prison staff.

Key Points

  • Amrita University, in partnership with the State Prisons Department, has initiated yoga and meditation training programs for jail inmates, with the state-level inauguration taking place at Poojappura Central Jail in Thiruvananthapuram.
  • Swami Gurupadashritananda Puri from Mata Amritanandamayi Math (MATH) will lead the yoga classes, and Brahmacharini Preethi will lead the IAM meditation which aim to improve the mental and physical well-being of inmates across 43 jails and correctional homes in the state.
  • The program is designed to help inmates transform into better individuals and prepare them for reintegration into society, with a focus on enhancing their physical and mental health through yoga and meditation practices.
11 November 2021
Main topic
Prisoner Outreach
Related topics
Healthcare Humanitarian Meditation Spiritual Yoga

In association with the State Prisons Department, Amrita University launches yoga and meditation training for jail inmates. Jail DIG S Santhosh performed the state-level inauguration of the training program at Poojappura Central Jail, Thiruvananthapuram. Swami Gurupadashritananda Puri from Mata Amritanandamayi Math (MATH) will be handling the yoga classes. The Department of Prisons has decided to conduct yoga and meditation training programs in 43 jails and correctional homes across the state. The MATH and Amrita University offer free yoga and meditation programs in prisons. During the inauguration of the event, Jail DIG said that the services offered by the MATH to transform individuals into new personalities are appreciative and great. Yoga is a very easy way for prison inmates to improve their mental and physical health. The official said that yoga will enable the inmates to return to society as new human beings.  During the inauguration, Swami Gurupadashritananda Puri from the MATH, who will be teaching the yoga classes, delivered an inspirational speech. The event was also attended by jail superintendent N.S. Nirmalanandan, Regional Welfare Officer Jayachandran, Bri. Preethi and Paralegal Volunteer Soja Gopalakrishnan.  After the inauguration, the program was launched through a special yoga practice under the guidance of Swami Gurupadashritananda Puri . The jail department will be conducting the training program for ten days.  In 2018, MATH launched the training program, which was the largest project in Kerala to train prisoners in yoga. Prison doctors claim that the physical and mental health of inmates practicing yoga keeps improving. According to reports, the prison doctors claim that inmates who practiced yoga continuously for a year showed significant changes in their diabetes, fat, blood pressure and stress. Swami Gurupadashritananda Puri said that the project aims to help the jail inmates to return to society as good men free from the tendencies of crime. “It was Mata Amritanandamayi Devi’s wish to bring jail inmates back to normal life. For this, the Integrated Amrita Meditation (IAM Technique) program was introduced,” he added. Experts claim that yoga practice is the reason for the significant reduction in suicide rates in prisons in Kerala, which in turn supports the view of Amma. Teachers trained in Amrita Yoga, which includes breathing techniques, self-analysis and emotion control, and the Integrated Amrita Meditation Technique (IAM Technique) are giving training in Central District, Sub-Jails and Special Sub-Jails. In addition to the inmates, prison staff are being trained in yoga. More than 21,000 people, including men and women, have already been trained.

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