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A third campaign for eye surgeries in Zambia

A doctor holds a medical device while examining the eyes of a patient
140 procedures took place free-of-charge at the provincial hospital of Kabwe

Key Points

  • Embracing the World, in partnership with Visió Sense Fronteres, conducted a cataract surgery campaign in Northern Zambia, Africa. The operations were free-of-charge, which included glasses and the travel costs for the patients.
  • Most patients could only perceive light or hand movements due to advanced cataracts. The surgical team, including ophthalmologists, optometrists, and volunteers, successfully restored vision for these individuals.
  • Similar initiatives have been organized in Kenya and Burkina Faso, demonstrating a commitment to improving healthcare access in underserved African regions.
5 November 2019
Main topic
Health Camps - Kenya
Related topics
Healthcare Humanitarian

Northern Zambia, Africa

In collaboration with the Spanish organization Visió Sense Fronteres (Vision Without Borders), Embracing the World was invited to conduct another cataract surgery campaign in Africa. The Ophthalmological Department of Zambia’s Ministry of Health supported the initiative, and 140 procedures took place at the provincial hospital of Kabwe in the north of the country.

The operations were free-of-charge, which included glasses and the travel costs for the patients. The cases of cataracts were advanced, as all patients had visual acuity of less than 10%. Most of them could only see hand movement or perceive light. Alongside the cataract procedures, capsulotomies and pterygiums were performed.

The surgical team consisted of two ophthalmologists, one operating room nurse, two optometrists and one theater volunteer. In addition, there were two local specialists in ophthalmology and some translators.

Visió Sense Fronteres and Embracing the world have also held eye surgery camps in Kenya and Burkino Faso.

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