
We are not isolated islands, we are connected links in a chain. Each kind word, each smiling face, each good action, benefits our neighbor, our nation, and our world.
Look carefully, see what is of value in others, and respect that.
Through spiritual thoughts, we gain power and cultivate strong minds. God represents all good qualities, such as self-sacrifice, love and compassion.
Real life is developed from within. Real living means that the soul expresses itself through all one's thoughts, words and actions. A person becomes fearless once he understands the nature of the imperishable soul.
When two people identify with each other, it is the sign of a true relationship. The intensity of love depends on the amount of identification there is between people.
You need not be wealthy or in a high position in order to console the suffering. A loving word, a compassionate glance, a helping hand - that's enough to help someone.
Even if we have everything, if there is no mental peace, we cannot lead a happy life.
Relaxation is a technique through which you can catch a glimpse of your real nature.
