Change has to begin with the individual. When an individual changes for the better, the whole family benefits, and then society prospers.
Praying and singing with a melting heart takes us to the state of Supreme Truth. Crying for God is not a weakness.
When you are traveling to a new place, there won’t be anything to worry about if you have a reliable map. Similarly, if you use the principles of spirituality as a guide and live your life accordingly, you will never be overwhelmed by any crises. You will know how to foresee and deal with any... more ›
First we have to purify our character. If we pour milk into a dirty vessel, the milk will spoil.
Love is the most natural thing for humans. We should perform all our actions, remaining focused on love.
Only by understanding what is everlasting and what is transitory can we progress in life without ever losing our mental balance or peace of mind.
What we need is peace of mind. We can gain that only through the control of our mind.