
We have a treasure within us which we will never lose, and which no one can steal.  But we will not get it by searching outside.  We have to look inside.
Spend each moment intensely focused on the spiritual goal of life. Take a pledge to put effort in this direction.
Love is the very foundation, beauty and fulfillment of life. If we dive deep enough into ourselves, we will find that the one thread of universal love ties all beings together. As this awareness dawns within us, peace alone will reign.
We need to focus on our destination.  Let the thoughts arising in your mind pass by, like watching scenery through the window of a car. The thoughts cannot affect you if you don't allow them to capture your attention.
Our efforts to remove hatred and indifference from the world begin by trying to remove them from our own mind.
When we take each step forward with positive thoughts and a smile, all good qualities will come to us and fill our being.  Then God cannot possibly stay away from us.
True laughter comes from the heart.  Only with an innocent heart can we experience real joy and give joy to others.
Look carefully, see what is of value in others, and respect that.
