Darshan and FAQ

Who is Amma?

 Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi, world renowned spiritual leader, humanitarian and visionary known throughout the world simply as Amma (ammā, “Mother”), has compassionately served the world for decades imparting wisdom, strength and inspiration.

Through her extraordinary acts of Love, Inner Strength and Self-Sacrifice, Amma has endeared herself to millions and inspired thousands to follow in her path of selfless service.

Amma is truly a citizen of the world. She holds free public programs throughout India, Europe, United States, Australia, Japan, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, Africa and South America. In her talks, Amma offers words of wisdom and guidance on both personal fulfillment as well as on the most pressing matters of our time.

From issues such as climate change, terrorism, cross-cultural tensions, poverty, and women's rights, Amma's observations invite each of us to get involved in the process of rebuilding a concerned and caring society.


Amma is now in Amritapuri ashram, Kerala. Please check this link if you would like to visit Amma in India now. https://www.amritapuri.org/eservices/stay


To this day, Amma concludes her programs by embracing each person who has attended the event. Far from a brief book-signing or walk along the rope line, these personal one-on-one meetings take up the vast majority of Amma's time. Amma has given this motherly embrace, known as her Darshan, to more than 34 million people throughout the world. Amma has been known to give Darshan for more than 22 hours without interruption.

VISITNG AMRITAPURI (Mata Amritanandamayi Center in India)

Please visit this link to get details of how to plan a trip to Amritapuri.

Frequently asked Questions

How do I get in line for Amma's blessing, her darshan?
To meet Amma, you will need a token which are issued on a first-come-first-served basis, 1.5 hours before the start of the program. Tokens are limited, so please arrive early. Learn more ›

Are the public programs similar to the retreats?
No. Amma's public programs are free of charge and open to the public. Retreats require a fee. Learn more about public programs. Or, learn more about retreats ›

What if I have special needs, or am physically challenged and can't wait in line?
Please inform the host or hostess who is stationed at the entrance to the hall. They will help provide a comfortable solution and assistance for receiving your embrace. Learn more ›

Are there any programs available for young children?
Usually programs are available for children ages four through ten, pre-teens and teens during certain hours. Learn more ›

Are there any other customs or regulations during the programs?

  • Out of respect for the Indian culture, we recommend modest dress. For example: tank tops, shorts, tight leggings and short skirts are not recommended.
  • Children must be under the supervision of an adult at all times.
  • Sleeping in the hall during program is not permitted. Sleeping anywhere on the program grounds in your car or camper is not permitted.
  • No use of alcohol, tobacco or recreational drugs is allowed on the program premises. Also, no audio or video recording or photography is permitted.