Amma's 2020 Tour Fundraiser - Northern California


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Northern California request

The Tour-city teams are looking ahead to Amma's 2020 summer visit - Help the Northern California team raise the money to organize Amma's programs. Some ways you can help:

- Buy ad space in the book - for a pranam ad (yours or for your satsang/group), for your business or your friends' business
- Talk to a business/service in your area to place an ad
- Spread the word in your community
- Sponsor an ad or donate to this fundraiser 

Ad rates start at $250 - Free design services offered

If you wish to sponsor, you can pay online here. Please choose San Ramon.
If you wish to place an ad, fill this form and click on Submit.

For more details on placing an ad or soliciting for an ad, email
Or visit for more details. 

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