Oct 8: Amma's Birthday Celebration

A Beautiful Celebration of our Ever-Compassionate Mother

Altar with Amma's portrait, fresh flowers, and many votive candles

On Sunday, October 8 at 3:00 PM, Amma's devotees gathered in Toronto to celebrate the occasion of Amma's birthstar (Karthika) and Her 64th birthday (lunar date). The magnificent altar was bedecked with red and white flowers, shimmering silks, and rows of flickering lights. Each little lamp was like a devotee's heartfelt wish for Amma on Her birthday. After opening prayers, the devotees chanted together Amma's 108 names, and the Lalita Sahasranaamam (Thousand Names of the Divine Mother). Everyone then sang the Mahishasura Mardini Stotram, a hymn in honour of the Divine Mother Durga. This was followed by a fifteen minute silent meditation.

The devotees sang a few more bhajans (devotional songs), including Inallo Karthika Nalu, in honour of Amma's birthstar. The bhajans concluded with Ma Nam Bole, in praise of the Divine Mother. After Arati and closing prayers, everyone watched a short, sweet video made up of clips of Amma giving darshan, taken from the Embracing the World movie. Watching the video, one was reminded of unforgettable and deeply personal moments with Amma. Halfway around the world, in Amma's ashram of Amritapuri, Amma's birthday was also being celebrated by thousands of people. In a few hours time, Amma would begin giving darshan, embracing each and every person there in a continuous marathon of Love that would last over 26 hours. Amma is relentless in Her Mission of transforming the world through Love and Compassion, and it seems as though nothing can stop Her: not distance, nor fatigue, nor hunger, nor the steady flow of the years. The video clip ended with Amma's words:

"As long as there is enough strength in these hands to reach out to those who come to her, Amma will continue to give darshan. To lovingly caress people, to console and wipe theirs tears until the end of this mortal frame - this is Amma's wish."

Amma's Toronto children can only stand in awe of our all-powerful Mother, and marvel at having been drawn into Her blessed embrace. May She never let us go!

Photo os Amma's feet surrounded by fresh flowers