Jan 27: Amrita Bala Kendra Eighth Anniversary Satsang

Group of kids doing arati to Amma's picture

Toronto Amrita Bala Kendra celebrates eight years of service

On Saturday, January 27, the Toronto chapter of Amrita Bala Kendra celebrated eight years of community outreach and service with a special satsang. Over twenty Bala Kendra kids were in attendance, and the children led every aspect of the satsang, from the archana, to the bhajans, to the closing Arati. It was truly inspiring to see these kids so sincerely and whole-heartedly engaged. May Amma bless the teachers, children, and families of the Amrita Bala Kendra so that they may continue to grow in love, knowledge and service for many years to come!

Om Amrteswaryai Namah

Children offering flower petals before Amma's photo on altarChildren doing arati to Amma's photo

Children smiling and singing together

Bala Kendra children singing a bhajan together